Heeeeeeyyyy, we are proud to release our 4th single, "Damn"! We have some pretty awesome special guest musicians on this track. Our good friend Charli Tarango Hopewell of Good Time Charli's singing some harmony vocals and the best horns in the Southwest, Jerry Donato & Greg Varlotta! Recorded at the world famous Full Well Recording Studio in downtown Phoenix, AZ! Available to buy and stream on all platforms. (Search: Justin Hitson)
Listen to the full song here: https://soundcloud.com/justinhitson-southbound/damn
Download it---> iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/damn-single/1523762567 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bo6uqjsuijdgmo5sijkrdmdul4a&tid=song-Tysdbfr2ou2djlvk62urgilgg7i Stream it on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/28uSZ2dti7jG91u8PvT1CH Huge thanks to everyone involved in making this song: Justin Hitson - Lead Vocals/Acoustic Guitar Jeff Leece - Bass Tommy Corbin - Drums
Marcus Williams - Electric Rhythm Greg Ahmann - Lead Guitar Jerry Donato - Sax Greg Varlotta - Trombone & Trumpet Autumn Hitson - Harmony Vocals Charli Tarango Hopewell - Harmony Vocals Written by: Justin Hitson Recorded at Full Well Recording Studio Phoenix, AZ Engineered by: Mike Bolenbach Kolby Peoples Mastered by: Mike Bolenbach Produced by: Mike Bolenbach Kolby Peoples Jeff Leece Justin Hitson Album Photo: Tracy Fultz Logo: Melody Myers
